These Interesting Facts About Blood Clots Will Shock You

Blood clots are healthy in a way that they stop the blood flow from a
cut or an injury. Blood clots can also form when they are not actually
needed, which is a serious problem.

Blood clots are of 2 different types which are arterial and venous. The
former one blocks blood and oxygen from reaching vital organs, which can
lead to tissue damage. This type of blood clot may also form in the
heart or brain leading to heart attack and stroke.

Venous clots appear in the veins of the legs where it’s called deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) that develop slowly and therefore, the symptoms might
not be obvious.

According to the American Heart Association, a blood clot deep in the
leg in particular can cause symptoms of pain, warmth, redness, and
swelling in the lower part of the leg.

Read on to know the interesting facts about blood clots.

1. Blood Clots Are Deadly

All over the world, arterial blood clots cause one in four of all
deaths. Blood clots which appear in the veins are especially risky for
those who have underlying risk factors like a condition like heart
failure. Also, clots are an important cause of mortality, disability,
and morbidity.

2. The Symptoms Are Subtle

When there is a blood clot in your lungs or vein, the symptoms are
unnoticeable at first. The symptoms of DVT are unilateral swelling in a
leg or an arm, feeling of warmth in the area that is swollen, pain or
tenderness in the leg when walking or standing, redness of the skin,
vein enlargements in the arms and legs, etc.

3. Blood Clots Trigger Differently

Cancer surgeries, especially abdominal cancer surgeries can lead to
blood clots. If the risk of a blood clot is higher, it may be due to
these reasons which include not moving for a long period of time, a
knee, hip, or cancer surgery, having a family history of blood clot,
using estrogen-based birth control pills, obese, smoking, alcohol
drinker, pregnant or recently given birth, etc.

4. Blood Clots Can Be Prevented

Patients who have a high risk of bleeding, mechanical compression
devices are used on the legs to keep the blood flowing in the veins even
if you are immobile or hospitalized. There is a lack of awareness of
risk factors of blood clots and lack of awareness that this condition is

Other Shocking Facts About Blood Clots You Should Know

Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lungs and is the most common
cause of hospital death in the world. People die of venous
thromboembolism (VTE) – a blood clot in the leg or lungs.
85 per cent of strokes are caused by blood clots.

It occurs when a blood clot either blocks the flow of blood or oxygen to
the brain or it may also happen due to a blood clot in another part of
the body and travels to the brain.

The reasons are due to obesity, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, etc.
If a blood clot forms in the arteries of the heart, it will deprive the
muscles of oxygen and nutrients leading to a heart attack.

The symptoms of blood clots in the lungs are shortness of breath, chest
pain, increased heart rate, and dizziness which could be fatally

44 per cent of the people are not aware that staying active can help prevent blood clots.

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